Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Autel TS408 Program McLaren 570S TPMS Sensor

 Autel MaxiTPMS TS408 is the least expensive tool to program TPMS Sensors on McLaren vehicles. Here comes the unbiased review on MacLaren 570s TPMS programming by TS408.


Tool used:

Autel MaxiTPMS TS408 $159 (or TS508 TS608 or MaxiTPMS TS tablets)

Autel MX-sensors 315MHz +433Mhz TPMS sensors ($112 for a set of 4)

Autel TS408 Program McLaren 570S TPMS Sensor 1

Autel TS408 Program McLaren 570S TPMS Sensor 2

Really easy to use, simply register the device online and select TPMS mode followed by selecting McLaren (covers off basically all modern McLarens)

Autel TS408 Program McLaren 570S TPMS Sensor 3

Autel TS408 Program McLaren 570S TPMS Sensor 4

It also will do McLaren 500 series, 600 series, 650S series, 675LT, 700 series, 720S, Artura, GT, MP4-12C, P1, Senna etc.

Autel TS408 Program McLaren 570S TPMS Sensor 5

Autel TS408 Program McLaren 570S TPMS Sensor 6

Select 570S

Autel TS408 Program McLaren 570S TPMS Sensor 7

Scan All Sensors by holding the unit up to the valve stem of each wheel, LF, RF, RR and finally LR

Autel TS408 Program McLaren 570S TPMS Sensor 8

Program sensors menu and copy by Activation

Autel TS408 Program McLaren 570S TPMS Sensor 10

Autel TS408 Program McLaren 570S TPMS Sensor 11

Mark each sensor (you can use a sharpie to mark location on the back of each one).

Super easy and now you can do the same for all other vehicles when the time comes.